A House that Contents
A House that Contents
"Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. . ."The apostle Paul in this great Magna Carta of the Church in Ephesians 6, gives the key to the outrageous and victorious invasions of Satan's control centers in those early New Testament days.If the Church in these last days is to fulfill the Great Commission and establish justice in the earth, then she must renounce fear and fatalism and recover the fierce faith of Paul's frontal attack against the forces of darkness that keep souls bound in the most desperate spiritual and physical captivity. She must return to a wrestling and throwing down of spiritual adversaries in the darkest, hardest places of the earth. God is raising up His house of prayer in the earth to contend with abortion, sex trafficking, false religions and false ideologies—against every house that exalts itself above the lordship and supremacy of Christ.These giants are meant to fall. In this book you will be stirred with vision and testimonies, discover the biblical basis, and receive practical instructions for becoming the house that Jesus builds—a house of prayer that prevails against the gates of hell.